
Accelerate Skill Development and Prove Proficiency with the Power of Audio & Video-Based Learning

From learning and development to sales and compliance training, Rehearsal transforms employee performance through asynchronous video and audio-based practice and coaching.

Rehearsal Sizzle Video

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Clients Achieving Amazing ROI With Rehearsal's Video-Based Coaching

Paychex logo

Shortened the sales team's speed to competency by 41% and increased revenue 10%

Edmunds logo

More than doubled revenue for relationship managers with a 102% increase in sales

Chesterton logo

30 – 40% faster-upskilled sales force and 10% increase in revenue in one year

Rehearsal recording on laptop & phone

Help Learners Become Better Communicators With Rehearsal

Sales icon

Sales Pitches

Practice makes perfect! With communication skills and video-based practicing, sales pitches can be practiced and perfected until 100% accurate!

Customer Service icon

Customer Service 

Communication is the key to establishing great relationships. Practice with call center scenarios to build a connection and create empathy from the customers!

Compliance icon

Compliance Training

To educate your employees of the laws and regulations applicable to your job function or industry, Rehearsal is used to practice compliance training.



Communication is more than just talking. It’s about connecting with people. Practice leadership skills and work to keep your employees engaged and motivated!

Better Results in Less Time.
Practice with a Mentor or Solo with AI.

Other Unique Features:

  • Hot Seat—You Only Get One Shot!
  • Screen Recording
  • Transcripted Video & Audio
  • Keyword Analytics & AI for Solo Practice
  • Leaderboard
  • Multilinguistic
  • Timeline Based Feedback
Rehearsal On Laptop
Rehearsal Advanced Features: Reports & Channels

Upgrade to Exclusive Advanced Features

Includes advanced reporting, collaboration in channels, integration with LMS/LXP, custom domain company & logo, custom SMTP, and MORE! 

An Award-Winning Platform Clients Love

Rehearsal Awards_Grouped-01
G2 Logo and High Performer 2023 Medal

"The results [from Rehearsal] are consistent and phenomenal. Every learner/user who has experienced Rehearsal has only good things to say about the platform. Even initial video-skeptics embraced the tool, as they could witness changes—eye contact, communication, delivery, and so much more."

— Mark Orlando, Global Training Manager