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Learning & Development Professional Meet-Up Series

People playing JEOPARDY!® on a Zoom call

Experience the thrill of competing in America's Favorite Quiz Show!®

Welcome to our JEOPARDY!® Learning & Development Professional Meet Up Series. Join us on the first Friday of the month at 1 pm ET to play a weekly virtual multiplayer JEOPARDY! game.

Register for JEOPARDY!®

The goals for the meet-ups are for learning & development professionals to experience first-hand how they can use game-based training to:

  • Create a social learning environment for employees
  • Facilitate emotional interactions with learning content
  • Identify knowledge gaps to implement immediate course correction

* By participating, players agree to the ELB Learning® Privacy Policy available at this link and to the Terms of Use available at this link.

Person playing Jeopardy! on their mobile phone